Workshops & Certificate Programmes

For over two decades now, AFA has conducted and facilitated practical and interactive training workshops for parents and professionals in various aspects of autism spectrum disorders and its manifestations, teaching techniques and intervention strategies, as well as those that address the different concerns of individuals with autism and their families.

Workshops are conducted by the AFA staff at the National Centre for Autism. We also invite professionals from other parts of India and across the world to present on a range of relevant topics.

AFA team members are regularly invited to conduct workshops by mainstream schools, special needs schools, organisations and universities in Delhi as well as in cities throughout India. In addition the AFA team has been invited for workshops in other countries including Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Dubai, the United Arab Emirates etc. The training programmes range from 1 - 5 days and are customized to the needs of the respective organizations.

To organise a workshop in your organisation or to know more about our training programmes at AFA, contact us.