‘Education’, when used in common, everyday language is often connected to the education imparted at schools, colleges and so on. We often limit it to academics: learning to read, write, do math, the sciences and a number of other theoretical subjects. However, when we use the word ‘education’ in connection with autism, we need to broaden our definition and look at it as more holistic and complete learning, one that aims at maximizing the potential of an individual over a life span.

All the Educational Programs offered at Action For Autism (AFA) stem from this broad definition of education. The goal of each of the programs is to help the person with autism learn to the best of his/her abilities, building on strengths and working on the difficulties. The focus of the teaching is multi dimensional and encompasses all important skill areas like communication, social understanding, play and leisure, self-care routines amongst others.

All the Educational Programs start with an initial assessment of the child. Based on the child’s strengths, behaviors, learning patterns, and the teaching and learning methods best suited to him/her, an Individualized Educational Plan is made keeping in mind the child’s current needs, as well as the parents’ immediate concerns.

Active participation of the family is encouraged in all the programs to ensure that the learning does not remain restricted to any one environment, but is practiced in all environments.

The Educational Programs offered at AFA are the Open Door Day Program, the Aakaar Early Intervention Program, the Parent Child Training Program, Individualized Educational Intervention, and the Individualized Program for Outstation Families.